The First Secret of Design is…

The First Secret of Design is… The First Secret of Design is…Noticing The TED Talk video “The First Secret of Design is…Noticing” by Tony Fadell. I liked the 3 tips that were given in that video: 1) Look Broader, 2) Look Closer & 3) Think Younger. When approaching...


Helvetica Helvetica. After finally watching “Helvetica” I found it to be very inspiring and a must watch for UXer’s. I am somewhat surprised that I haven’t watched Helvetica until now coming from a graphic design background. Most designers like Helvetica, LOVE...

Why Persona’s Matter

Why Persona’s Matter User Personas are the key on where to start… Creating user personas is something that will be helpful for any UX journey. Understanding the elements to creating a user persona will be key in knowing what to look for in user research...