The First Secret of Design is…

by | Aug 10, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The First Secret of Design is…Noticing

The TED Talk video “The First Secret of Design is…Noticing” by Tony Fadell. I liked the 3 tips that were given in that video: 1) Look Broader, 2) Look Closer & 3) Think Younger. When approaching any design problem I will start using this mindset. I think many times we jump straight into fixing an issue without taking a step back and saying are we really solving the problem or just adding another band aide? On a side note, having a sensor of some sort in your mail box to let you know your mail has arrived is an amazing idea! Especially for those who have a mailbox that isn’t at the end of your drive way.

The second thing that stuck out to me was how much I enjoyed created the UX Pattern Collection pinterest board. It’s funny because I follow many blogs and instagrams on UX, but just in creating this pinterest board I found some new great resources. The UI/UX field can be intimidating at times because there are SO MANY good designers out there with new ideas and better ways to solving UI/UX issues. It’s a good thing, but I need to be better about staying up to date on new trends and this activity opened my eyes to that. One new resource I liked was I’d like to start carving out time each week just to browse resources for inspiration.

Written by Pam Sky